Friday, March 18, 2016

Travelogue Japan Day 4-Hakutsuru, Kobe Port, and Kobe Beef

There are a number of sake manufacturing plants in the eastern area of Kobe.  The one that I recognized was Hakutsuru.  It is located near the Sumiyohsi station on the Hanshin line.  There is another Sumiyoshi on a JR line but that is a few blocks to the north.

Upon exiting the station, signs on the lamp post will direct you in the right direction.  Before you know it, the white crane symbol is visible and you can follow your nose to their facility.

Inside, you will find static displays showcasing how sake was made.  2 levels to inform and educate before depositing you at the souvenir shop.

The big payoff is the tasting room just off the souvenir floor.   2 sakes and 3 wines are being offered today.  thirst was a sake that was served ice cold in a ceramic cup

The rest of the samples were presented in small plastic cups.  The second was served at room temperature.  I found both to be very smooth.

The last 3 were flavored wines.  Yuzu is the main ingredient and the lemony flavor truly comes through.  Would porbably go nice with a nice steamed fish.  It could possibly even stand up to some sauce atop the fish.

A plum wine is the next to last item on the table.  An enjoyable and drinkable beverage that I could sip on while sitting on the porch on a hot day over ice.

Lastly, this is another plum wine but it has twice the kick of the previous potable.  With 20% alcohol, it is more than double the 8% found in the previous bottles.

Afterwards, it was back to the west side of town to stroll through the port area.  Kobe reminds me alot of Yokohama.  Kobe is to Osaka as Yokohama is to Tokyo.  Both are port towns.

Other similarities include a ferris wheel and an Anpan Man museum

Both locations have a tower but the one in Yokohama is more a building than a tower like this.  I walked over to the tower but did not partake of the experience to go up the tower to observe the view.

In between Kobe and Sannomiya station is Motomachi.  Nearby, there is another similarity to Yokohama, Chinatown.  This is not nearly as large as this is basically 4 blocks with that all meet at one intersection.

As one would imagine, there are a number of chinese restaurants that line the streets.  Oddly, figures of Spiderman can be found around the area.

Several of the businesses sold foods at the stroefront.  Portable delicacies that one can purchase and eat as they sightsee.  Alot of dim sum items were on display as well as peking duck served in a steamed bun.

Going back to Sannomiya for dinner.  This was my splurge day so I went back to have Kobe beef for dinner as well.  this time around, it would be at a more casual restaurants with a few locations in the area. Steakland is the shop with the red sign and white lettering

Several cooks line up along the teppanyaki serving the guests before them.  Garlic chips sit on the white plates above the grill.  they will be served up with the meal

Smoked salmon was a starte for the meal.

Veggies are included in the meal set just like Wakkoku.  In addition. here they include some seafood like scallops and shrimp.  Fresh shrimp as it was jumping on the platter before being laid on the hot surface.

I didnt order the speal meal set but the regular meal set.  Either set includes a 200gram piece of meat.  The fat was not rendered for grease.  They used butter instead.  But ithe fat was still combined with bean sprouts later 

Again, rice and pickles round out the entree.  Bread can be substitued for the rice.

Finished off with the dessert course, I opted for ice coffee in favor of the warm evening.  I found this place to have beef that was more tender and less chewy than the more expensive alternative.  With my appetite sated I headed back to Osaka to rest