Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Travelogue Japan Day 10-East of Shinagawa

On the wast side of Shinagawa station, its mainly office buildings.  A few restaurants and conbinis to help support the masses of workers.  Nothing in the way of entertainment except for some pachinko parlors near the station.  A few bridges connect the mainland to Tennozu Island.  I work my way toward Tokyo bay.  Then head north to where Im just south of Rainbow Bridge.  Some docks and other stuff block my view of the east side of the bridge as well as Odaiba.  This is as far as I can get without trespassing.  This guy is still fishing.  Doesnt seem to be having any so I thought it weird him being the only one trying to catch fish here.  Not any weirder than some other guy walking around the docks taking pictures.  On the way back, the elevated railway of the Shinkansen and rhe Tokyo Airport monorail going to/from Hamamatsucho.  I stopped by this market earlier and picked up something on tue way back.  Pepsi's flavor of the moment, sakura.  I didnt find it as offensive as some of thri offerings but you will have to try for yourself.  I guess it taste like sakura