Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Travelogue Japan Day 1 2016-Tokyo Marathon

(Pics to be added later)
Coincidentally the 2016 Tokyo Marathon is being run today.  Im not a race enthusiast but i will take a look while Im here.  Its early yet and the race has not started from Shinjuku yet.  Emegency staff are in olace.  Sponsers were on hand to market their products..  This point of the race is 15km from the start.  Wheelchair athlete were the first to appear.  Eagerly awaited elite rnners followed after.  I didnt stay long but I hear there are cosrumed runners like those in the Bay to Breakers.  When I came down for breakfast, 2 numbered paticipants were on their way to the start line.  I probably should have followed. The sound of aerial coverage forshadowed the elite runnees.  When it went silent, the thrill was gone.