Friday, March 12, 2010

Sleeping in the clouds

I wish I could do that. On many a flight overseas, I find myself wrestling with myself to try and get some sleep so that I can be refreshed and wide awake when I land. I wish I could afford business or first class. Aside from that, I have to hope and pray for an empty row so I can stretch out my short legs and lay down for some much needed unconsciousness. This has only happened to me once, just once. What I do have are these fitful short naps that make the problem much worse. Hovering between awake and asleep but not getting the full benefit of either I become much drowsier and groggier. Much more than if I had just stayed up.

Ive tried dramamine to knock me out but it has the same affect as the short naps. I dont want to take sleeping pills because I always worry about becoming too addicted to them and never being able to sleep on my own ever again. Ive tried staying up the night before the flight. Nothing. I dare not try warm milk as my lactose intolerance will do much worse than keep me awake. Is it the subtle drone of the engines or the faint sensation of motion? Do the fates conspire against my getting rest for their own sadistic pleasure? Or, is it a masochistic desire of my subconscious to wear me down and take over when I least suspect? Ooops, this post is starting to go in the wrong direction.

Oh the bliss of sleeping aloft on the backs of clouds is beaten down by the realism of another 10 hour or more flight