Thursday, June 28, 2018

Travelogue Japan-Videoes Part 4

Continuing with Gundam, the transformations get more dramatic as the day nears night.  The video below was captured at twilight.  Notice the lights and music in the background

After this, I stuck around for a few more shows to see what else they would do.  With time to spare, got a quick snack in the mall before returning for the first night time show.  The lights of the building darken and a video projection begin the proceedings

I was not going to hang out all night to see the remaining shows but I did stay for one more show before heading back to the hotel for the night.  Much the same as before, the lights go dark before the show begins.  The projections and the music as well as the light patterns are different for each showing.  I have been given a warning my Youtube the following video could be blocked due to copyrighted material