Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Travelogue Japan-Videoes Part 2

The first video shows the wall of instant ramen that chronicles the product from its first inception to many of the products that are on offer now at the Cup Noodle Museum in Yokohama

The next video gives a tour of the Shin Yokohama Raumen Museum.  It takes a walk around the upper floor with ramen shops and a dagashi shop in the back.  Later we see the courtyard on the lower floor that houses a few more ramen shops

Lastly, at Skytree where they have a see through portion of the floor.  I loved how some people are freaked out about stepping on this in alot of tall observation decks.  Some people are so timid they wont even step on it.  I love to startle people by jumping up and down on the plexiglass.  I know its safe especially considering theres a second panel underneath.