Monday, February 7, 2011

Japan 2011-Some food notes for today

After a long day at Kappabashi, we spent a few more hours shopping in Shinjuku. I split from the group and proceeded to Tokyo station to get a few more gifts. With my arms laden with delicate gifts, I thought to drop themoff before going to dinner. As I found, the weight of the day wore me out and I opted to eat in this evening. I went to the supermarket in the Takanawa Wing East complex that is attached to the train station. I picked up a few things. Some items I intend to eat for dinner tonight whiles others may be consumed at breakfast or other time. From top left going clockwise: a bento (with fried shrimp, chicken, egg, spaghetti, some potatoes, and rice), a hard-boiled egg croquette, a medium-sized salad kit, coleslawwith imitation crab, and a small cabbage salad with some corn
So, while I was perusing for something to wash this down with, I espied a new flavor of Pepsi cola. I had posted p0reviouslyabout some limited edition flavors of Pepsi and Coke that had to offer in Japan. Ibought it with impulse and hurriedly tried it once I returned. I did a bit of reasearch on it. The one post from a familiar site said that it was a Pepsi with added roasted chestnut flavor. I thought the picture on the bottle was a snow-capped mountain. Upon opening the bottle, the initial thought was cream, possibly cream soda. The reveiwer from the other site liked this and thought it was far from disgusting. I, on the other hand, disagree. I cant even remember what the soda taste like because of the strong chemical finish. I guess the aftertaste is supposed to be one of raosted chestnuts. I cant see it, or rather, I cant taste it. I will try chilling it down a bit further overnight to see if that will improve the flavor. The beverage was cool, not cold, when purchased and warmed to room temp very quickly.

Edit: I triedx it thenext day after it had a chance to chill. No change, the patient is dead