Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rant-Terrorist Freed On Compassion?!?!?

Working under the assumption that he is guilty of the bombing of the Pan Am flight in Scotland, its a slap in the face of the families and friends of the innocent victims who lost their lives on that flight. He, the terrorist whose name I wont even mention so as not to give him any validation, has prostate cancer and will die soon. The Scottish courts has deemed it fit for him to return to Libya to spend his last days amongst his family and friends. Odd, how he gets to do that but those on the flight werent given the same consideration. He deserves to rot in prison for all the people he flippantly killed. He deserves to rot from the inside, of his body, as he is now and in prison. In what world is it right for him to end his life on a happy note? Shame on the Scottish government for what seems to be a politcally driven act to garner oil.