Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Longing For Japan

As noted before, I have made several visits to Japan. On practically a daily basis, I visit websites that revolve Japan's culture, day-to-day activities, television, retail, etc. I grow almost homesick. For a few years now, I have been going back once a year to get my fix. But, I did not go last year nor do I plan to go next year. Although, Im hoping the latter does not pan out. My next trip isnt planned until 2011 and that feels a long way off. I have already begun doing some research for that trip to help make it seem like its within reach.
I visit sites that help to keep me in contact so I dont feel like Im so far away. On the flip side, it sometimes makes me long for it even more. I like the sites that show alot of pictures. Every now and again, my mind taps me on the shoulder to say, "I remember that!" I look up calenders to see what festivals are going on. I check tech websites to see the newest and latest gadgets lucky Tokyoites will be buying. I search for information on places that I would like to eat at. In general, Im looking for things that make me say, "Cool!" or "Interesting!"
The tall buildings of Shinjuku, the taste of a hearty bowl of miso ramen, the efficiency of their mass transit, the oversaturation of convienence stores and vending machines, the bright lights and neon of Shibuya. These are my memories.