Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cool costumes

Iron Man is one of my favorite movies. I thought the design of the costume had a great look to it. I used to follow the comic books back in my younger days. I had not seen the new armor until the movie and was pleasantly surprised. While surfing, I found that eople are making replicas that you can wear. I think they look COOOOL! There have been other costumes from movies that I think were cool too. Most notably, they seem to be somewhat robotic for the most part. Robocop was one. I enjoyed the movie as well. It was dark and gritty. Stormtroopers from the original Star Wars series have always held my imagination even to this day. Im sure I could afford one but never thought about actually owning one let alone wearing it. I have been impressed by some cosplayers who have made great looking Gundam costumes of the robots. Most are home made and they definitely look it. But, you really notice the ones where alot of time and effort were put into them. Sometimes makes me wonder how they were able to make them?