Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On The Job-The Embarcadero

The job takes me by the boulevard by the bay called The Embarcadero. This is where the ships used to dock when the city's biggest income came from its shipping ports. On a bright sunny day as today, tourists and natives alike like to jog, walk, or bike this stretch of the city that runs from Pier 39 to the ballpark.

This portion runs under the Bay Bridge. Many of the old piers remain and converted to house other businesses.

As we proceed northerly then dog-leg westerly, there is a piece of public art on display. I forget what its called but its Cupid's bow and arrow. The following is another picture of the same scuplture taken a while back.

Once the hub of all the maritime activity, the Ferry Plaza has been retooled for modern uses. It houses several restaurants and gourmet shops. The clock tower, most notably, stopped at the exact time the Loma Prieta earthquake struck. It has since been resync'ed

On certain days, there are farmers' markets in front of the building and saturdays has them both in front and behind the building. The building still acts as the final destination point for those who ride the ferry boats into the city