Friday, September 11, 2009

Travelogue-Philly Phinal

I went back on my word and forgot to post this yesterday. Anyway, here goes. How can you start the day without a good breakfast? I started my last day in Philly with buttered Rye toast and jelly, potatoes, 2 eggs over easy and scrapple. Scrapple is an amalgam of grains and pork scraps. It does not really taste like much so a bit of ketchup helps. It was a generous portion that I could not finish At Reading Terminal Market, they have an area devoted to Amish products. This area does not open until Wednesday, unlike the rest of the market. Maybe it takes them that long to get here from Lancaster on their horse and buggies? Aside from what you see below, they have a selection of pickled items in barrels next to the jarsI had breakfast at their eatery, The Dutch Eating Place, but they also have a barbecue joint, bakery, and candy shop. The bakery smelled wonderful as the aroma first hits you when you enter this corner of the market. The offerings of muffins and cakes were just as generous as my breakfast and I believed I could not finish one if I purchase something
With my appetite sated, time to get to the airport and board the 9 hour flight home. This includes 2 stopovers in Austin and San Diego. We fly right by the city on our departure. The white mass in the middle is the Pennsylvania Convention Center. I stayed on the north side of it. North being to the right and slightly down
A last look at the skyscrapers of Philly as it phades into the phar away