Monday, March 11, 2013

Travelogue London A Cold Day Indeed

Today is going to be one of the coldest days of my trip. According to the forecasters its supposed to be around 0 degrees centigrade.  Needless to say, it makes walking around hard to take, but I push on.  I head over to Regent's Canal.  Here we have a confluence of 3 waterways including Regent's Canal

My original plan was to take a boat from Camden Lock through these canals.  However, that day was raining and it didnt look like the cruises were running

The canal is lined on both sides with long boats.  Some could be commercial operations while some might be lived in

As I reached the end of this portion, I consulted to my GPs to see what else was around.  I found something of note

So I followed the GPS and took a short walk to here.  I guess out of context, this area would be hard to figure out

Maybe a little additional people might help to jog one's mind about this particular crosswalk.  This is Abbey Road.  The crossing pictured on The Beatles album with the members snapped as they went from one side of the road to the other.  Why did the Beatle cross the road?

Just behind the intersection is the actual studio where they recorded. The studio is still in operation. I overheard the man at the entrance say that they are not set up to be a museum. I dont understand why this is? They could relocate the studio and make a museum of the institution and charge admission for the privilege
I was thoroughly chilled to the bone and called it a day.  I had to get a cup of tea to help warm me up.  Ive been drinking alot of tea while here and Dublin.  English and Irish Breakfast taste pretty much the same to me.  As much tea as I have drunk, I dont think I could drink the same amount of coffee.  I have averaged tea at once a day.  Coffee being almost once every three days.  Sometimes I just need the caffeine in the morning.