Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Video Games-Call Of Duty 4:Modern Warfare

I am a big fan of first-person shooters on the PC. I loved the progenators like Castle Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. The torch was passed on by Quake and Unreal. For a while, there was a glut of these games based on World War II. As good as they were, I started to get burned out on the theme. I was sick of using Tommy guns, Garands, and Panzerfausts. I wanted to handle something more contemporary. Somthing that had modern weapons and set in more recent times. But I also had the criteria that it had to be a good game too. My prayers were answered when COD4:MW came out. It takes place in several parts of the modern day world where you play two characters on allied teams looking to eliminate a terrorist big cheese. The graphics were great and the gameplay was outstanding. The single player could stand on its own. The online multiplayer just adds to the gameplay experience. In multi, you earn weapons as you go and can customize your character to your style of play or to the scenario.

As great as it was, we all tire of games after a while. I have not played this in several months. But the anticipation is high as MW 2 will be coming out in the next few months, November. Im not great at multi but you may see me out there at some point