Thursday, October 15, 2009

Guilty Pleasure-Jpop/Kpop

Im not really big on the current American pop music that floats around on the airwaves. On occassion, there will be a few songs that I think are worth getting. But for the most part, its not worth my time to listen. Due to watching asian television, I have been exposed to pop music from Japan and Korea. They have songs that are very catchy to my ears. But, I wondered if I would listen to these songs if they came out in english in the states. Some of the songs a bit too much like teeny bopper songs, for lack of a better term. Part of the attraction is that most of the artist(s) I listen to are good looking female(s). I have to admit to the eye candy. With that aside, the songs themselves are not very deep or meaningful. That doesnt matter to me much since Im not very deep or meaningful either. Its the song as a whole that draws me. Its not any one part(music, lyrics, or artist) but the way a song sounds like in its totallity that decides whether its thumb up or down.

You may wonder about the language barrier. I dont speak either language and dont know what they are singing about unless I see their videos subtitled. After listening to it for a while, I begin to sing along in their native language.

I have been into the Kpop of late and not so much Jpop. Currently listening to Saturday Night(Son Dam Bi) and I don't Care(2NE1)