Monday, October 12, 2009


I consider myself to be a pessimist. I see the glass half empty of Dr Pepper. I also play the lottery on occassion. While talking to someone about the latter fact, she remarked that I must be an optimist to play the lottery. It was one of those moments that took me aback. I never thought about it in that way. I guess thinking I can win at the lottery or gambling does make me one in that right. When I check the results of the draw, its a win-win situation for me. If no one wins, then the jackpot gets bigger for me. If someone does win, may be I won.

We all have parts of us that look on either the dark or the bright side, not just one side. Maybe, we don't realize it until it dawns upon us like it just did for me. However, my playing the lottery stems less from thinking that I can win but more from desperation