Monday, November 20, 2023

Germany, Day 3 - Oberhausen(?)/Essen

 Due to a later start yesterday, I have some time left on the 24 hour passes that I have.  I decided to put that time to use by going back to Ober.  Why?  Spatzle, thats why.  I remember seeing it yesterday and its kind of on the way to Essen.  It wouldnt have been a big detour just for noodles.  The mall was open upon my arrival but many of the vendors were still in the process of getting their shops ready.  At first I passed it and doubted my memory.  I remember they were making the spatzle fresh in the big extruder.  I had the noodles with cheese and topped with speck, bacon bits.  It was rich and it was heavy but it tasted of all the dairy elements.  The portion was quite large and I wasnt ready for the carb load.  With that sated, I went to the hbf to head over to Essen for their event.  

Kennedy platz is not far from the main station.  Along the way, there was a ferris wheel, though not sure if it was permanent.  Its not a seasonal market without this attraction it seems.  Down the lef then hang a left to get to the main area.  It is as expected from what I have seen over the last few days.  I got a krakuer sausage this time around.  Its a polish sausage with a very durable casing.  I added ketchup and mustard from the dispenser.  It made me feel like I was milking a ketchup and mutard cow for some reason.  At times, I bit into it and it would squeeze out the feeling but not puncture the skin.  It was a skin tube in a bread roll after a while.

Something kept calling to me in german.  I could not understand what it wanted but it drew me any way.  Before I realized it, his name was Charly.  Over time I started to understand that they have the best gluhwien.  Who am I to argue with a animated moose head touting great gluhwein?  Well, it tasted like every other one that I had.  I did get my souvenir frosted mug from Essen.  The one that was offered was from 2020.  Who knows how many times its been used.  I asked to trade.  The 2023 did not have a year designation but I preferred it anyway.  Another stroll around the area and it was back to Dus.

It was going to purposfully a early day.  Get back for dinner?and some sleep.  I wasnt in the mood for a full on sit down dinner.  McD, BK, and KFC are all nearby.  BK and KFC had some similar items.  Both offered chili cheese fries and fried cheese nuggets.  I got a salad at KFC an picked up the latter at the latter places.  BK was more like jalapeno poppers because of the peppers and won out over the rival item.  The salad?  Just trying to get my greens again.  Maybe one more before I leave?