Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Travelogue-Chicago Day 3 Soldier Field/Skyline

Yesterday, the Windy City lived up to its name and brought to a halt the operation of the water taxi service from Navy Pier to the Shedd Aquarium area.   Today, the weather was better but not by much, better enough to let the service run today but you will definitely feel it.  You may think Im going soft because Im going to an aquarium.  But Im not going to the big fish tank but to the football field behind it.  Soldier Field is another hallowed ground for sports fans.

The Chicago Bears have won a Super Bowl and have had famed players such as Walter Payton,  Jim McMahon, and Mike Singletary who went on to recently coach the SF 49ers.  They loved their columns at this arena.  The east and west sides are bordered by columnades.  The arena is also famed for the snowy winter games that are a commonplace during Chicago winters.  

There is no game today but there were areas open to walk around on.  Views of the field not readily acce3ssible.  The best that could be had was this sighting of the scoreboard and the adjacent seats

After completing my little walk, it was time to catch the water taxi back to Navy Pier.  The wind has kicked up and the boat was rocking pretty heavily and we hadnt even left the dock yet.  From this vantage point, there are great views of the city skyline from where I just left to where Im going to disembark.
 The sun was going down in the western sky and chasing us on our way north.  The wind jostling us up, down, left, right and every which way.

At times, it was very challenging to hold the camera still while trying to take a snapshot.  Even harder when taking video as every little movement is pronounced.   Even time lapse could not smooth out the ride that I had.