Monday, December 21, 2009

Trivial Question-Business/First Class or Coach

I have made an observation recently on the portrayal of air travel in the movies and on TV. There are exceptions to the rule of course. Whenever people fly, they will fly in coach if its a comedy. Otherwise, they look like they fly in business or first class. Although, there are times they are supposed to be in coach but have way too much room. I would count that in the latter case.

Any how, flying in economy is always a joke because of the cramped spaces and possible foul passenger next to you. You dont want to ruin a moment between two lovers in a serious discussion by having the passenger next to them proturding his elbowes. In serious movies, people need to have time to be alone and contemplate some heavy thoughts while peering out the window from a very ample seat.

Without knowing what you are watching, try to guess the genre of what you are watching just by their seating class on the plane. I guess my life is a comedy since I can only afford coach.