Friday, December 4, 2009

Just Plane Awesome

The US armed forces have enjoyed the benefits of air superiority through many wars and conflicts. The great use of technology has kept us just a step ahead. Here are some of my favorites.

F16 Falcon- an agile fighter that can take on the best in the world
F15 Eagle- a fighter so versatile that it was even configured to shoot down satellites
F22 Raptor- the current elite top of the line fighter to replace the F15 and many others

A10 Thunderbolt- one of the most lethal attack planes to ever be made. Its main gun shoots rounds the size of milk bottles with depleted uranium cores to punch through most known tank armor. Its odd looks belies it capabilities.

SR71 Blackbird- a feat of aerospace engineering. Few planes have ever flown as high and no plane has ever flown faster at speeds around mach 3. Used to take aerial, the Blackbird was able to fly faster than any known missile of the time. I had seen one on the deck of the USS Intrepid in NY and at a aviation museum in Seattle. I dont know how many were made but this is the most number gathered that I have ever seen.