Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's For Lunch/Dinner?

The age old question that has plagued man since the dawn of our birth. Cavemen used to wonder whether they should eat in or go out...hunting. Some Native Americans would contemplate eating acorns or go out...hunting. After landing on Plymouth Rock, Im sure the Pilgrims were thinking about getting something to eat. Since I dont cook, the question usually will require a more immediate response. If gone unanswered long enough, my decisions become questionable and the outcome very unstisfying to the say the least. If I were able to cook, then I could have to put some planning into it as ingredients would need to be gathered.

More often than not, I find myself going a restaurant. Im usually not too picky about what cuisine to eat. For me, its more a matter of what I dont want to eat rather than what I do want to eat. At the bottom of my list is usually Indian or African. There are those rare time when I may crave these. Korean used to be pretty low but I have gained a new appreciation for it since I have journeyed there in last month. Thai is neither high nor low on the list but something more of a I have to be in the mood for kind of thing. I guess my favorites are Japanese, Chinese, and American. As I end this post, I will be asking this same question to myself in a few hours