Monday, April 19, 2010

Iron Man 2 In 2 Weeks

Actually less than 2 weeks now, the sequel to one of my favorite movies will be hitting screens across America. I am highly anticipating this movie to continue where the first one left off. Sequels have always been known for failing at franchising what the original picture had delivered. But, there have been the exceptions. So, my hopes are high for this movie and I wish that it wont disappoint. At worst, they will screw this one up and make more bad sequels.

As a kid, I used to collect the Iron Man series. I forget how many years ago this was. The storyline at the time saw Stark as a down and out boozer who lost Stark Industries. Stark was so out of it, he could not don the armor. James Rhodes took over for a short time as Iron Man with few knowing about the switcheroo. Just a few years ago, Marvel released the Mangaverse where many of their well known characters took a japanese turn. They were redesigned to look like manga/anime characters. Here, Iron Man is a girl named Toni Stark. Unfortunately, I dont remember how the story goes