Monday, February 22, 2010

What If?

What if...

This question can make one look back at glaring moments in their life with regret. Or, it can open a world of possibilities. Depending on how you view life determines which way you reflect on this question. I am sure that most are in the middle of the road while there are a few to one extreme or the other.

What if I had focused more in school? What if I had dated her? What if I made the left turn at Albuquerque? In retrospect, we wonder what things would have been like if things had gone a different way? Would things better or worse for us? Of course, people who believe in parallel universes will tell you that all those probabilities have all happened.

What if I didn't have to go to the outhouse to do my business? What if man could walk on the moon? What if I didnt have to get up to turn the channel? These questions are asked by those who would like to see whats next in the future of mankind. They are the visionaries and prophets who look forward to what will or can be.

Latly, I leave you with this thought, "What if Christopher Columbus, Albert Einstein, or Adolf Hitler had a twin brother? In a followup to the last question, what if they were named Guido, Jerry, and Hans, respetively."