Monday, May 10, 2010

Apple can bite the big one

As have been stated in many media outlets, Apple used to be the underdog company that people rooted for. They had these quirky little products that inspired fanatacism in their users. They used to snub their noses at huge companies like Microsoft in a David and Goliath manner.

Now fast foward to the present. Apple has gained alot of marketshare with their products like the Ipod and Iphone. Acceptance of their products has grown beyond the niche markets they used to cater too. Their Itunes online store is arguably the largest provider of media downloads. This has made them the Goliath, and as others have said, Big Brother.

Recent events have shed light on some draconian actions that have been either initiated by them or occured in their name. Most notable was the breaking into the home of the tech blogger, who revealed the prototype Iphone 4, by the tech police. Previously, people would have sided with Apple in their attempts to protect their products. But as the company has grown and more and more people have an Apple product, their protective attitudes have come to light as being paranoid.

I have never been a big fan of Apple products. I have to admit that they do put out good products with great interfaces that appeal to the mass consumers. But I will never be a fan of how they market hobbled products just so they can de-hobble certain features and basically resell the same product. Another aspect that irked me is the high price of their products. I will not be saddened if the company ceased to exist