Monday, May 3, 2010

Another bombing attempt in New York

So, this concerns me. My sister and mother will be travelling on holiday to NY in a few days. I thought they would just have to worry about the usual pickpockets and purse snatchers. This adds a whole new dimension of worry. If fortune is on our side, this will have been the work a some lunatic in an isolated incident. From what I have gathered from the news, the device malfunctioned and may not have worked as intended. There was a suspicious SUV that had a timer, some firecrackers and propane tanks rigged to go off while Time Square was laden with tourists. Smoke from the vehicle aroused attention and the plot sniffed out.

I feel like we are being left out here on the west coast. If this was linked to a terrorist group from the Middle East, they may have done it as a stand against the our freedoms and way of life. But are we not as decadent and free thinking, if not more so, than NY? After all, Hollywood is our backyard. We've had our financial meltdowns with the whole savings and loan scandals of a few years ago. The west is as big a symbol of America as NY. What, are they just too lazy to travel the distance?

In all seriousness, I dont mind if they leave us alone.