Monday, August 12, 2024

Japan 2024 - Day 9 Enoshima

 Its already Monday and in a few days I will be flying home again.  I do welcome the return to more moderate temps that Im used to but still lament the end of another trip.  I started the day at the aforementioned Gusto Cafe for breakfast.  Their menu is pared down and has japanese and western items.  I opted for hamburger steak with sausage and a fried egg.  It included the drink bar.  It took several attempts to get the iced cappucino.  The plain iced coffee was too strong.  The other machine overly sweet coffee drinks.  In the middle was the regular cappucino machine that you can pour into a glass of ice.  As I enjoyed the savory flavor of the beef patty and sauce, I looked over the regular menu.  I saw the chicken karaage and thought I could go for some of that.  Little did I know how prohetic that would be.

I purchased the Enoshima Freepass from the Odakyu travel center.  Its good for roundtrip on their train to and from Fujisawa station.  As well as access to the Enoden line and the train between Fujisawa and Enoshima Katase Station.  Its valid for the 1 day.  At Fujisawa, I hopped onto the Enoden but I did not plan to go the full distance to Kamakura.   After the train winds through the streets and in between homes, it follows along the shore for  some of the distance.  I alighted at Yuigahama because of what I saw on Google Earth.  There were restaurants and bars along the beach as well as others renting parasol, floaties, and other beach paraphenalia.  Lots of bars and drinks with some food.  Common items like burgers and chicken.  Some kakigori as well.  It looked like a nice place to spend some time on a nice sunny day.  It was less crowded than the beach near Enoshima.  After some simple shaved ice, I was ready to head to the island with a few stops along the way.

The Enoden Enoshima stop is still a bit of a walk to the island.  Before venturing towards the causeway,  I wanted to see what was set up here.  Unlike the previous location that had a path on the sand in front of the bars and restaurants, you have to brave getting sand into you footwear if you decided to check them out from the beach.  The only other option was to walk behing the vendors along breakwall.  So, you couldnt see what they were selling.  I randomly ended up walking into the last business closest to the island.  I sat down to corn dog and fries with the winds whipping about.  The winds were strong but they were welcome.  This was the first time this whole trip that the sweat was evaporating faster than I was producing it.  I really enjoyed that moment and basked in the feeling of that fleeting time.  

Before long, I got onto the causway under the beating sun to walk over to Enoshima.  Once I got their, I headed north along the area where ships were berthed.  I had not been this way before and it was lined with bars and restaurants.  Back at the main entrance, I was not pleased at the sight of the incline as the winds died down and it felt hotter than before beatig me down.  The best I could manage was halfway up to the tori where they were selling fresh made squid/octopus crackers.  While I still had the energy, I ade the deciscion that I was done for the day.  As I went back to Shinjuku, I stoppe by Gusto Cafe again because I had left my hat their when I had breakfast.  Since I was here, I decided to have the chcken I was drooling over.  4 large pieces of thigh meat with half covered in honey mustard.  Each piece was deep fried just right with the meat cooked through but not dry.  The exterior was crispy especially where some skin were still attached.  Both were so good and very filling even though there were a few pieces.  Since I knew where the cappucino machine was this time...