Sunday, August 11, 2024

Japan 2024 - Day 7 Shopping

     I started out a bit confused.  I knew there was a Kura Sushi place near the intrsection of Yasakuni Dori and Shinjuku station.  There was a large sign above Omoide Yokocho.  I headed that way and could find nothing at the base of the sign.  Googled it and it was across the street to the north.  Had various cooked and fried sushi.  It was ok but dont expect too much.  The first plates went down the hole and surprisingly, I won a gachapon. 

They are having a collab with My Hero academia which resulted in a Bakugon keychain.  The last 5 were unsuccessful and they only repeat was the shrimp tempura.  There was beef, onion rings,squid tempura, etc.  When I was last here, I went to Uobei in Shibuya and found that to be better.  I have yet to try Genkei or Sushiro.  The 2 main places Im going shopping is Don  Quijote and Daiso to take advantage of the weak yen a while back.  The night before did venture out to the 24 hr Shinjuku location but was not able to find what I was looking for.  In Shibuya, theres a Mega Donki so I went there and found a few things.  Heading back to the station, theres a large Daiso which also had their Stadard Products offshoot at the same location.  This was a pretty large Daiso or so I thought.  Got a few things I was looking for and then some.   

I dropped off the loot at the room and proceeded to Asakusa.  There was going to be a lantern ceremony at the Sumida River in the evening.  Before that, I thought there might be some yatai set up near the shrine.  It wasnt as big as New Year's Eve but good enough.  Got a melon flavored shaved ice to cool down then snacked on a monjayaki croquette.  Sounded odd but looked good and tasted good too.  It combined the savory flavors of each component into one deep fried goodness.  Hopped over to the banks of the river instead of the Azuma bridge.  It looked like a better vantage point.  The memorial had begun with a few words from special guests.  Then, the lantern participants walked a bit north and released them into the Sumida.  Hoping for a picture like you see in the pamphlet, it didnt happen.  It was like herding cats as they bunched up where they were launched.  There were a few yakatabune in the river who also set off a few lanterns but the photo op never appeared.   At least their wishes were raise to the heavens.

I dashed away quickly back towards Shinjuku to the Tkyo Metropolitan Government building.  They have been having some nightly projection mapping events.  Most of the shows are abstract or random artsy images.  I came for the Godzilla show that only happens on the weekends.   It was impressive to see Godzilla standing tall against the building.  I believe this is my first attendance to event like this.  Spoiler alert...It was more impressive seeing Mecha Godzilla come into view although they didnt do much with him.  Recorded on my Action 3 becuase of the wide angle to catch the whole building.  I reminisced about eating at Ringer Hut back home as I entered the location at the Toho Cinema.  The menu was much more limited to a few noodle dishes.  I remember having bento boxes and hayashi chuka which were not present.  I got the sara udon which was thin fried noodles that get nice and chewy when it soaks up the gravy from sauce cooked with alot of vegetables, like Hong Kong style chow mein.