Thursday, August 8, 2024

Japan 2024 - Day 1 Tokyo

First full day in Japan during the summer month of August.  For the first few days, Im staying near Toyo station at my usual hotel.  I was bummed to find the cooked breakfast at this location is now a grab and go meal.  Choose from some breads, hot dog, ham and cheese in a roll.  Automated coffee machine rounds out the menu.  All for the best since Mcdonalds has brought the cheese potato bacon pie.  I liked the bacon potato pie that I had decades ago.  They used the same filling and deep fried shell with a light sharp cheddar.  It was good but the cheese overpowered the original filling.  Its a Sunday so I go to Akihabara.  Its pretty early in the morning and its very hot.  For the first week it never dropped below 80 celsius even in the late night/early evening.  Day times could be 95. Milled about until Yodobashi opened.  Went to Daiso inside but couldnt find anything.  It was still early for lunch but the local branch of Nikuya Yokocho was about to open.  Went for the AYCE wagyu option and skipped the Kobe for now.  100 minutes of 10 different cuts and some sides that you can pick and choose. 1-4 is Kobe and 5-14 are wagyu beef and tongue.  Kind of surprised at the offerings being kind of tough exept for a few standouts.  6, 8, 11, and 14 were the standouts for me.  Half of these were kalbi short rib cuts.  If I had know I would have started with 14 then made my way up.  Onion for grilling, karaage, rice cooked in a stone bowl, keema curry rice,  and something Im forgetting were okay.  Not great but still tasty and filling.  There were also chicken and pork cuts but it took me 1all100 to get through just the beeef. From the menu you can order as many as you like but the dessert options limit you to 1.  Almond tofu with kiwi sauce.  servicable butI have had better.

Lack of sleep, food coma, and meat sweats put me out for the next few hours.  No feelings of hunger well into the next day.  Dinner was shaved ice topped with mango.  Jasmine syrup was part of the recipe.  Needed to wait for that to blend with the melted ice to take the edge off the strong flavor.  Tommorrow I fly to the Tsugaru region to experience some of the summer festivities they have to offer.