Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Travelogue-Incheon Day 1, Chinatown

So, after a much unanticipated walk, I reached Incheon Station. As with many Chinatowns, there are gates to mark the entrances.  In the city there is a small one on Grant.  But other places Ive been to usually have one or more larger gats such as this.  Yokohama, Philly, Chicago, etc

The firs thing is a hill.  Oh joy, wanted I wanted after having already walked all the way here.  A bfief respite before tackling the hill. 

At the top of the hill and around the corner is another hill but with steps.  At the top is another gate.  It was blue.  Restaurants line both sides of the stairs.  As with much of the streets, there are abundant places to eat with a few other retail shops scattered about. 

I only climbed the stairs because I thought there would be a nice view from up here

Speaking of restaurants, it was getting close to 2pm and I was hbungry.  One favorite chinese dish of koreans is black bean suace noodles, jajangmyun.  I stopped into a restaurant at randome and ordered a dish.  You have to mix the sauce and noodles.  Often I find it hard to eat the vegetables in the suace and noodles at the same time with chopsticks.  Before Im done, Im left with a bowl of black sauce with chunky bits which are sstill hard to eat with chopsticks

In addition, I ordered some fired dumplings, mandu.  After lunch, there werent a whole lot of other things that kept my attention in Chinatown.  There was a mural of the Three Kingdoms.  I saw it from afar but it did not inspire me to take a closer look. 
Thats it for this trip.  As with most trips, time flies once you approach the end of it.  It wasnt too long ago that I flew oujt and now Im flaying back very soon.  Even though there have been a few frustating moments, its a part of the experience and sometimes a learning moment for the next time