Saturday, September 17, 2016

Barbecue Travelogue Austin Epilogue

What started out to be a good idea and something that I had thought about was ill conceived in its execution.  I like beef and I like barbecue so Texas was a logical spot to spend a few days having beef barbecue.  But my focus was too narrow in its initial stages.  Tasting the same item at different locations.  Quickly, I found that I was getting tired of eatting the same thing day after day.  I enjoy the different variety of foods.   This is why I started ordering other items after a few days at it.  One thing I didnt think through was the ordering process.  I thought I could order a bit of this and a bit of that.  but all of that soon became a very large pile of meat.  Again, I like variety and ordering small amounts didnt get me variety at places that sold their wares by the pound.  Places that offered combo plates were the lifesaver.  Here you can have variety in smaller portions and still be able to enjoy variety with a few side dishes to boot.