Friday, November 29, 2013

Travelogue-New Orleans (Day 3-Dinner and an evening stroll)

The first time I visit a new place, I am your typical tourist and visit and eat at many of the typical places tourists go to. Since these establishments tend to advertise more, they tend to draw larger crowds and longer lines.

Tonight, dinner is at Acme Oyster House.  I have passed by here a number of times the nights before.  There is usually a queue of people at the door, especially as the night wears on.  Despite the look of daylight, it is early evening and the lines have not yet begun to form.  It seems good a time as any to stop in

News reports mentioned the smaller harvest of oysters this year for the holiday season.  Shortage be damned, Im going to get some oysters.  I got seated at the counter and ordered a platter of fried oysters on a bed of fries with hush puppies.  In front of me a line of shuckers working hard at opening several hundred pieces a night.  After the flesh is liberated from its shell, its sorted into two piles.  Theres a small rouund tray to serve to patrons.  The others are placed on a large metal platter then disappears into the ether, probably the kitchen.  While its still too early to head back to the room, I walk around the French Quarter to see what gets illuminated.

It was safe to assume Cafe Du Monde would still be open.  This location is open 24 hours a day as opposed to the other locations.  The thought of coffee and beignets did cross my mind but I let it pass.

I was here a few days ago during the daytime.  I didnt notice the lighting on the tree or the surrounding area.  The ornamental tree is topped with a fleur dy lys and the area is decked out for the holidays even though this was still pre-Thanksgiving.

Fleur de lys also hang on a nearby tree.

Looking back at the street, adjacent buildings are adorned with lights attesting to them being open for business and the drawn carriages line up for awaiting riders.

Up at the level of the tree, you can see Jackson Square and St Louis Cathedral in the background

Too bad these structures are not awash in holiday lights and colors at this time.  It just may be too early and my time here comes nigh in a day