Friday, June 18, 2010

BP and the Gulf...A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, in far away land in a body of water called the Gulf Of Mexico, a huge oil company called British Petroleum, BP, stuck its finger into the deep waters and pulled out oil. But, BP's finger had rickets and could not hold back the oil. So, oil gushed and gushed into the Gulf. BP said that it was but a trickle and they had a bandaid to heal it. BP actually meant to say that the whole arm had been amputated and it was spewing buckets and buckets. The villagers riotted upon the doorstep of CEO Tony Hayward. "Oh, how I wished I could have my life back!" gasped the embattled executive. And with that, his fairy godmother waved her wand and everything was fine with the Gulf again.

We all wish it could be that simple