Thursday, July 1, 2010

Upcoming 4th Of July Weekend

This weekend commemorates the hard fought independence of this country from British rule. Standard procedure for celebrations usually mean barbecues and fireworks. I will be gathering with friends for a sharing of food and company this weekend as well. These are not the only events that take place around this time. Anime Expo is a regular event in the southern California area. I have a passing interest in anime. I have enjoyed watching my fair share of it. I have awed at their designs. All part of the drive that made Japan the first place that I wanted to visit when I first caught the travel bug.

A while back, I had friends who worked the convention and provided me with a pass. The year I attended the expo was held in Long Beach. Having hung out with these friends and other friends of theirs who were also part of the expo, I thought I was fairly jaded and knew what to expect. Boy, was Iwrong. The scope of the event was much bigger than I had anticipated. The amount of attendees were vast. The dealers, showcases, and events were mind boggling. All in all, I was glad to have experienced some of that mayhem over those couple of days. This weekend rolls on and it gets bigger every year as the popularity of Japanese culture spreads

After this weekend, a special anniversary is around the corner.