Sunday, April 21, 2024

New equipment/software in Yosemite

 The time has come to upgrade some of my hardware and software.  A while back I replaced my Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet with a Samsung A7.  There are some major differences but the pros made the A7 a better choice.  The size makes the tablet much more portable and easier to stow away.  It can practically fit in the pocket of some my pants.  The screen is smaller and lower resolution but its not as bad as I thought it would be when viewing videos or trying to work on it.  I got the one with a cellular option.  This makes it much more useful because I could put a data sim and use the hotspot.  This would have a much better battery life than my cell phone or the portable wifi.

Using my phone to record videos and take pictures were due to the wide angle that it afforded me.  However, this would chew up the battery much faster.  So, I decided to get an action camera to fulfill that need.  These gadgets have great image stability and are pretty well known for their wide field of view, around 170 degrees.  With different mounting options, its proving to be great for point of view.  I have not put it to its shock or underwater capabilities at this time.  Yosemite would be the second outing.  Wings over Solano was the first.

I was using a pretty primitive video editor on all videos before Wings over Solano.  Even in compatibility mode, the output from the Action 3 was not working with it.  So, I opted to use Shotcut now.  Its much more capable and has greatly more functions and abilities.  Its also open source and continues to expand.  The previous software was already old and no longer supported for years.

Finally, I had to upgrade the Canon SX700.  Two things, it was acting up on me and not recording when I wanted it to.  Secondly, lint had gotten into the lens barrel.  While most pics and videos were still ok, there was one piece of lint that created an artifact in some vids that would bug me to no end.  I would have opted for the SX 740 with 40x zoom but decided to stick with a megazoom but in the Sony DSC HX99.  It has the same 30x zoom like the SX700 but has a flip up touch screen like the 740.  Im still feeling it out at Yosemite.  I do think the auto white balance is too bright.  Also trying to figure out the panoramic photo as I get pics the resolution is wider than the actual pictures it stitched together

Some examples: