Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Inside out or outside in?

I have noticed the way I attack a sandwich.  If the sandwich is uncut then I assume most people would eat it outside first and either work your way to the middle or plow through it row by row in a left to right and vice versa direction.  With a cut sandwich you can begin from the inside.  With one on a roll, I find that I begin in the middle and work my way to the end.  Do you still begin with the ends and work you way in?

On sliced bread, I dont follow the same convention.  Instead, I start at one of the ends that was bisected by the cut, proceed to the opposite corner then head to the middle.  By then, theres only the original corner.  On a regular sized slice of bread, the little corner can be taken as a whole.

On a round piece of bread that has been cut into wedges, I consume it as I would a slice of pizza.  Beginning at the inside point, I work my way out to the edge.  Very similar to the cut roll, its inside out..

This is my thinking.  When a sanwich is crafted, consciously, unconsciouly or subconsciously, all of the fillings are piled into the center of the contruct, all the good stuff is in the middle.  Hence towards the edges, there is very little except for bread.